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CD Isaak, Chris - Wicked game / Rock / Reprise / D / 1991 / nm / 2.00 €
LP J. Geils Band - Sanctuary / Rock / EMI America / D / 1978 / m-/vg / 3.00 €
CD Jagger, Mick - Wandering Spirit / Rock / Atlantic / D / 1993 / m- / 2.00 €
CD Jagger, Mick - Primitive Cool / Rock / CBS / A / 1987 / nm / 3.00 €
CD Jayhawks - Hollywood Town Hall / Rock / American Recordings / EU / 2009 / nm / 4.00 €
orig.released 1992, Gold-CD
LP Jeff Cooper And The Stoned Wings - Tribute To Jimi Hendrix / Rock / Europa / D / 1971 / m-/m- / 4.50 €
Studio band consisting of session musicians
CD Jeremy Days - same / Rock / Polydor / D / 1988 / m- / 2.00 €
CD Joan as Police Woman - Real Life / Rock / Pias / / 2006 / nm / 2.50 €
tri-fold cardboard sleeve
CD John Butler Trio - Flesh & Blood / Rock / Jarrah / F / 2014 / m- / 3.50 €
CD Johnson, Don - Let it roll / Rock / Epic / A / 1989 / nm / 1.00 €
CD Johnston, Freedy - Never Home / Rock / Elektra / / 1997 / nm / 3.00 €
CD Joplin, Janis - Pearl / Rock / Columbia/Legacy / A / 1999 / m- / 3.50 €
orig.released 1971, remastered, 4 unreleased Bonus Tracks
CD Joplin, Janis - Greatest Hits / Rock / Columbia / A / / nm / 3.00 €
orig. released 1973
CD Jr. Gone Wild - To Dumb To Quit / Rock / Stony Plain Records / CA / 1990 / m- / 3.00 €
Countrymäßiger Gitarrenrock aus Kanada, auch bei Taxim erschienen, 14 Tracks, 48min.
CD Juicy Lucy - Here she comes again / Rock / HTD Records / UK / 1999 / m / 3.00 €
noch versiegelt
CD Julia Hummer and too many boys - Downtown Cocoluccia / Rock / Strange Ways / D / 2005 / nm / 2.00 €
LP Jupp, Mickey - Juppanese / Rock / Stiff Records / D / 1978 / m/m(-) / 5.00 €
Stiff Black/White Label, OIS
MCD Kadison, Joshua - Jessie / Rock / SBK Rec. / NL / 1993 / vg+/nm / 0.00 €
4 tracks
CD Kansas - the best of / Rock / Epic / A / / m- / 2.00 €
10 Titel von 1975 - 1984, booklet mit geringem Wasserschaden
CD Karthago - Live at the Roxy / Rock / Bacillus / D / / nm / 4.00 €
von 1976
MCD Katrina and The Waves - Honey Lamb / Rock / Polydor / D / 1993 / nm / 0.00 €
CD Katrina and The Waves - Edge of the land / Rock / Polydor / D / 1993 / m- / 2.00 €
CD Kelly, Paul - Words and music / Rock / Vanguard / D / 1998 / nm / 3.50 €
In Australien sehr bekannter Singer/Songwriter, 15 Tracks, incl."Little Kings, Gutless Wonder, Beat Of Your Heart, Glory Be To Go" usw. 68min.
DCD Keneally, Mike - Half alive in Hollywood / Rock / Third Venture Rec. / / 1997 / m- / 5.00 €
& Beer For Dolphins, Zappa Tour Gitarrist, orig.released 1996
CD Kings of Leon - Only by the night / Rock / RCA / EU / 2008 / nm / 2.00 €

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