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CD Cole, Holly - Shade / Jazz / T&M / D / 2003 / m- / 4.00 €
CD Cole, Nat King - Supreme Jazz / Jazz / Membran Music / / 2006 / nm / 8.50 €
Gold - SACD, 24 tracks, Super Jewel Case
CD Conklin, Larry - Dolphin Grace / Jazz / Inak / D / 1990 / nm / 3.00 €
Inak Reference Recording
CD Conklin, Larry - Sun Wind / Jazz / Inak / D / 1995 / nm / 3.00 €
Surround Sound
CD Cooder, Ry - Jazz / Jazz / Warner / D / / nm / 4.50 €
released 1978
CD Corea, Chick - My Spanish Heart / Jazz / Polydor / D / / m- / 5.00 €
16 Tracks, Orig. 1976 als DoLP erschienen
CD Corea, Chick - The Seventies / Jazz / Verve / D / 1993 / nm / 5.00 €
compilation, 12 tracks
CD Coryell, Larry - The Essential / Jazz / Vanguard / D / / nm / 5.00 €
orig.released 1975, 70 min.
Set/Box Coryell, Larry - The Guitarmaster / Jazz / CTI / D / / m / 6.00 €
3 CDs im Schuber, noch versiegelt, beinhaltet die Alben "Fallen Angel, Live from Bahia + I´ll be over you"
CD Davis, Miles - Kind of Blue / Jazz / Columbia/Legacy / D / 1997 / nm / 2.50 €
1 Bonustrack, SBM, Album von 1959
Set/Box Davis, Miles - Original Album Series / Jazz / Warner / EU / 2012 / m / 6.50 €
5-CD-Set, CDs in papersleeves, noch versiegelt
DCD De Lucia, Paco - Gold / Jazz / Mercury / EU / 2005 / nm / 4.00 €
25 tracks
LP De Lucia, Paco - Dos Guitarras Flamencas / Jazz / Philips / / 1975 / m-/vg / 2.50 €
mit Ricardo Modrego
LP Deodato - the best of / Jazz / CTI / D / 1977 / m-/vg+ / 3.00 €
LP Deodato - Prelude / Jazz / CTI / IT / 1973 / m-/vg+ / 4.50 €
DLP Di Meola, Al - Splendido Hotel / Jazz / CBS / NL / / m-/m- / 6.00 €
orig. released 1980, FOC, rotes CBS-Label
CD Di Meola, Al - Tour de Force - Live / Jazz / CBS / / / nm / 6.00 €
orig.released 1982
LP Di Meola, Al - Casino / Jazz / CBS / NL / 1978 / m-/vg / 2.50 €
weisses innersleeve
CD Di Meola, Al - Scenario / Jazz / CBS/Sony / Japan / / m- / 6.00 €
released 1983
CD Di Meola, Al - Electric Rendezvous / Jazz / CBS / A / / nm / 5.00 €
orig.released 1982
CD Di Meola, McLaughlin, De Lucia - Friday night in San Francisco / Jazz / Philips / D / / nm / 3.50 €
das legendäre Konzert der 3 Gitarrenvirtuosen im Dez. 1980, digit.remastered, orig.released 1981
CD Di Meola, McLaughlin, De Lucia - Passion Grace & Fire / Jazz / Philips / D / / nm / 3.50 €
orig. released 1983, digital recording
CD Diabello Trio - Ragtime Scott Joplin / Jazz / Melos Musik / / 1989 / nm / 2.50 €
Willy Freyvogel(Flöte), Enrique Santiago(Viola), Siggi Schwab(Gitarre), orig.released 1981
CD Duke, George - Keyboard Giant / Jazz / MPS / EU / 2007 / nm / 5.00 €
Serie Jazzclub Legends, 18 tracks 1973 - 1976
CD Dutch Swing College Band - Digital Dixie / Jazz / Philips / D / / nm / 4.50 €
rec. live at Northsea Jazz Festival, The Hague, July 1981

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