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CD Eicher, Stephan - Carcassonne / Rock / Barclay / D / 1993 / m- / 2.50 €
französische u. englische Texte
CD Eicher, Stephan - Engelberg / Rock / Barclay / D / 1991 / m- / 3.00 €
veschiedensprachige Texte, unterschiedliche Musikstile des Schweizers
DCD Eicher, Stephan - Non Ci Badar, guarda e passa / Rock / Barclay / D / 1994 / m- / 4.50 €
Folkrock, englische u. französische Texte, 43 Tracks, incl."Hope, Silence, I Can`t Help, Riviere, Chanson Blue, Dijan`s Waltz" usw. 131 min.
LP Ekseption - Ekseptional Classics - the best of / Rock / Philips / D / 1973 / m-/vg / 2.00 €
CD ELO - Discovery / Rock / Jet Records / A / / m- / 3.00 €
orig.released 1979
CD ELO - the best of / Rock / Disky / NL / 1996 / m- / 2.50 €
14 tracks
CD Elysian Fields - Bum Raps & Love Taps / Rock / Naive / EU / 2005 / m- / 3.00 €
digipack, düsterer Indie-Rock aus New York
CD Emmett, Rik - Ipso Facto / Rock / Intercord / D / 1992 / m- / 2.50 €
Gitarrist von Triumph, plus 2 Live Bonus
CD Eno, Brian - Another day on earth / Rock / Opal Music / EU / 2005 / nm / 3.00 €
CD Eno/Byrne - My life in the bush of ghosts / Rock / Virgin / EU / 2006 / nm / 4.00 €
orig.released 1980, enhanced CD, dickes booklet, 19 tracks
CD Entwistle, John - Rigor Mortis Sets In / Rock / Repertoire / / 1997 / nm / 5.00 €
orig.released 1973
CD Entwistle, John - Boris the spider / Rock / Disky / EU / 2001 / nm / 3.00 €
Quality Live Concert Performance
DLP Essex, David - On Tour / Rock / CBS / UK / 1976 / m-/vg / 3.00 €
FOC, Stickerabriss auf Frontcover
CD Etheridge, Melissa - Never enough / Rock / Island / D / 1992 / m- / 3.00 €
10 Tracks, incl."2001, PLace Your Hand, The Letting Go, It`s For You" usw. 48min.
CD Etheridge, Melissa - Live & Alive / Rock / Imtrat / D / / m- / 3.50 €
Live & Alive, imm 40.90305, recorded live in USA 1992, 10 tracks 62 min., PR Records
CD Etheridge, Melissa - Live / Rock / Island / US / 1988 / nm/vg / 7.50 €
mega seltener Promo-Only-LIVE-Sampler im farbigen Pappcover, 26:26 min, etwas Coverabrieb
CD Extreme - 3 sides to every story / Rock / Popron / CSFR / / m- / 1.00 €
orig.released 1992
CD Faith No More - The Real Thing / Rock / Slash/London / D / 1989 / m- / 1.50 €
CD Faith, Adam - Midnight Postcards / Rock / Polygram / / 1993 / nm / 2.00 €
mit Kuma Harada(Snowy White Bassist), Russ Ballard, David Courtney
LP Fame, Georgie - same / Rock / Island / UK / 1974 / m-/vg / 3.50 €
CD Farnham, John - Age of reason / Rock / RCA / US / 1988 / nm / 2.00 €
cutout, mit You´re the voice long version, Two strong hearts
DCD Fats Domino - Antoine Fats Domino / Rock / Tomato / NL / 1989 / m- / 3.50 €
34 Titel
CD Featuring Jim - Between Sadness & Happiness / Rock / Strange Ways / D / 2007 / nm / 2.50 €
CD Feliciano, Jose - the definite best / Rock / RCA / / 2001 / m- / 3.00 €
23 tracks, 77 min. dig.rem
CD Ferry, Bryan - Street Life - 20 Great Hits / Rock / EG Records / UK / 1986 / m- / 2.50 €
Roxy Hits und Ferry Solo-Hits

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